Zetor Gallery is located in Brno-Líšeň right next to the tractor manufacturer ZETOR TRACTORS a. s.
Trnkova 111, 628 00 Brno - Líšeň,
Czech Republic
Tram no. 8
stop Novolíšeňská
Trolleybus no. 25 and no. 26
trolleybus stop Novolíšeňská
Parking for visitors is for 120 minutes free. Please pick up a parking ticket, which will be confirmed when purchasing a ticket to the Zetor Gallery.
The parking lot is not guarded, do not leave any valuables in the car!
The heart of fans of agricultural technology will be certanily pleased by the exposition of historic ZETOR tractors. You can travel back in time through the model ranges of Crystal, Super and beyond, all the way to the legendary Zetor 25. Unlike in a conventional museum, climbing, sitting behind the wheel or even opening the hood is allowed.
In the ZETOR GALLERY showroom, we present the latest ZETOR models, which include tractors in the power range from 20 to 170 horses. The presentation of our current tractors is enriched with audiovisual elements, multi-touch displays or front loader simulator.
Mr. Martin Navrkal - architect, designer, and especially the author of the Vrky models. Today his company VRKY SPOLU s.r.o. manufactures kits of cars, trucks, buses, tractors, and aircraft of world-famous Czech and foreign brands. A new exhibition named Make VRKY Models, Not War, that you can visit in the ZETOR Gallery until the end of August, is dedicated to these original models. You will find out how ZETOR brought Mr. Navrkal into the world of models, how such wooden kits are made, and especially you will take a closer look at non-traditional models from well-known world manufacturers.
Trnkova 111
628 00 Brno - Líšeň
Czech Republic
tel.: +420 603 977 492
E-mail: zetorgallery@zetor.com
ZETOR TRACTORS a.s. announces that the ZETOR Gallery (including the Fan shop) remains open only to business partners.
Promotional items and souvenirs related to the ZETOR brand can still be purchased through the official e-shop or through dealer network of ZETOR TRACTORS a.s. For more information from the world of ZETOR, do not forget to follow us on our website and social media.
Thank you for your understanding